Outward Hound Pet Saver Dog Life Jacket Review

Have you seen the Outward Hound Dog Life Jacket sold by Kyjen? It’s a really extraordinary product and is definitely in the top selling dog life jackets. It’s very high quality, and has several features you’ll love.

outward hound dog life jacket

The Outward Hound Dog Life Jacket from Kyjen generally fits dogs of any age, and almost any weight. There are sizes fitting dogs that are 1 to 90+ lbs. Most dog life jackets have an easy grab handle, bright colors, and are made with waterproof materials (obviously!). This one from Outward Hound fits all of those needs.

outward-hound-top-view inside-view-dog-life-jacket

For a Golden Retriever (girth measurement around rib cage of 29″) you’ll want to order the extra-large life jacket. Many people who have ordered the large size end up having to return it. But, this is often due to the strap lengths, and not the velcro straps.

There’s a little design flaw, not major, but worth noting: The front strap is shorter than the back strap. You can see this in photos and other customer reviews. Newer versions may have fixed this design flaw. The front strap needs to be longer. Unfortunately, it isn’t easy to do that, but if you purchase more strap material you can fit on a strap extension yourself.

Most dogs are not great swimmers. Whether it’s around the pool, at the lake, or on a boat, a life jacket can be a great safety tool. The Outward Hound dog life jacket comes in a few colors including pink and yellow.

For sizing:

  • XX-Small: Dogs with a girth of 6-10 inches and weighing 1-5 pounds
  • X-Small: Girth of 11-15 inches, and a weight of 5-10 pounds
  • Small: For dogs with 16-20 inch girth, and weighing 10-20 pounds
  • Medium: Girth of 21-27 inches, and weight of 20-40 pounds
  • Large: Girth of 27-32 inches, with weight of 40-65 pounds
  • X-Large: Dogs with a girth of 31-42 inches and weighing 70-90 pounds

If you need sizing help, I suggest checking Amazon reviews, or YouTube reviews.

outward hound - dog life jacket


Features of the Outward Hound Life Jacket:

  • It has a really awesome grab handle which makes it easy to grab your dog and pull them out of the water. Don’t discount the necessity for a good handle! You’ll want it when you need to pull a 50 pound wet Labrador retriever out of the water!
  • The straps and quick release buckles are all super-adjustable. What this means is you can get a snug fit with almost any size dog.
  • The front float assists with keeping the dogs head above water, so you don’t need to worry about the life vest sliding back or too far forward.

I highly recommend the Outward Hound product. Feel free to leave a comment here with any questions you might have about the product.